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INCORE's Guide to Training Resources for Situations of Ethnic Conflict


Inclusion or non-inclusion of any organisation, programme or course does not imply any judgement on the part of INCORE as regards quality. The list simply provides an overview of what is on offer within the area outlined above. Users should find out for themselves whether any training programme is likely to live to their requirements as regards quality, style, approach, etc.

Training Within the U.K. & Ireland

Training Within Continental Europe

Training Within North America

Training in Other Parts of the World

Training Within the UK & Ireland

Centre for Conflict Resolution (Bradford)
Bradford offers academic programmes in Peace Studies (BA and MA and Post Graduate Diploma). Staff and researchers associated with Working In Conflict Zones are also in the business of facilitating an extensive programme of training seminars and workshops, both domestically and internationally. Constituencies have been diplomats from Eastern Europe, teachers, social workers, health professionals, industrial dispute negotiators, and management personnel, as well as peace and human rights activists, NGO's, church groups, and community education projects. Countries where the centre has provided training workshops include Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Uganda, Croatia, Serbia, and Macedonia. [Nick Lewer, Tom Woodhouse]

Conciliation Resources
Generally involved in support for community based peace initiatives, sometimes involving training, such as vocational skills training and policy analysis for journalists (Fiji, Sierra Leone), organisational development and team building (Fiji), negotiation, mediation and team building (Sierra Leone). [Andy Carl, David Lord, Davin Bremner, Clem McCartney, et al.].

Coordinating Committee for Conflict Resolution Training in Europe (London)
The CCCRTE is a loose platform of mostly UK based NGO's, institutions, and individuals, involved in conflict resolution training, basically in former Yugoslavia and the Caucasus region. Most actual training is carried out by member organisations, such as International Alert, IFOR, or Responding to Conflict, but some seminars (as well as evaluation meetings and other events) have been conducted under the direct auspices of the Committee.[Diana Francis, Adam Curle, Clem McCartney et al.]
http://www.c- r.org/cr/ccts/default.htm

International Alert
Training programmes for middle to higher level representatives of parties in conflict, community leaders, politicians and the like, sometimes from a number of different conflict situations. Works mainly with trainers and facilitators from outside the organisation. International Alert have developed a Resource Pack for Conflict Transformation - A Collection of Materials for Trainers, Trainees, Facilitators and Others Interested in Transforming Violent Conflict (1996). [Phil Champaign, Kerstin Jonas, Madeline Church, Ed Garcia]

London School of Economics and Political Science
The LSE has academic programmes in international relations and conflict resolution. Currently involved in needs assessment and design of in-house pilot training workshops for staff of the Department for International Development (formerly ODA) and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London ("Conflict Prevention Through Aid programming"). [Mark Hofmann, Bruce Jones]

Responding To Conflict (Birmingham)
RTC is an international, not-forŠprofit agency, and an Associate Member of the Selly Oak Colleges Federation, Birmingham, UK. Since its formation in 1991 it has sought ways to support and extend the efforts of people who are engaged in resolving or ameliorating the situations of political and social conflict in which they live. RTC therefore works with local and international NGOs, and increasingly also with UN agencies, diplomats, government officials and public service institutions. Using French, Spanish and Russian as well as English, RTC provides a range of practical opportunities for individuals and organisations to reassess and redirect their programmes, and facilitates the sharing of insights and experience across cultures and continents.

Regular courses:

  1. (1) Working with Conflict, a 10-week intensive international programme for practitioners in development, human rights, emergencies and peace-building, is offered annually from April through June, with a wide range of participants from many parts of the world.
  2. (2) Towards Peace-building, a 1-week residential workshop for staff of international agencies responsible for programme policy and implementation, is currently being offered annually in July.

Advice, accompaniment, workshops and training:
In addition to the above programme of courses, RTC staff are frequently invited by both local and international organisations to accompany them in working on situations of actual and potential conflict in different parts of the world. Wherever possible we do this work together with colleagues in the region, and sometimes with a co-facilitator from another continent or region. The network of former participants in RTC's international courses now covers many of the areas of the world affected or threatened by intractable conflict, and expands greatly the resources which can be called on in a given situation. Areas of current or recent activity include: Central Africa/Great Lakes, Central America, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Nigeria. For further details, reports, course prospectus and application form, contact: Responding to Conflict 1046 Bristol Road Birmingham B29 6LJ, UK Tel: (44-121) 415-5641 Fax/Answerphone: (44-121) 415-4119 Email: enquiries@respond.org

Post War Reconstruction & Development Unit
Since October 1996, the PDRU of the Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies of the University of York, has offered a one year modular MA course in "Post-War Recovery Studies" for humanitarian aid workers, development practitioners, and peace-keepers working in war-torn countries. There are four major components: Understanding conflict and the international response; practical skills of working in conflict and settlement reconstruction; strategic planning and project evaluation; managerial, organisational and training skills. [Sultan Barakat, Sue Ellis]
http://www.york.ac.u k/depts/arch/gsp/postwar/intro.htm

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Training Within Continental Europe

Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution (Stradschlaining, Austria)
Since 1993 ASPR has offered the IPT course, the 'Civilian Peace-Keeping and Peace- Building and Training Program' in co-operation with the European Centre for Peace Studies (EPU). The program consists of a three week foundation course, followed by an optional one week function-oriented training. The courses are offered several times a year and are aimed at qualified civilians interested in participating in peace- keeping and peace-building activities in conflict regions. Faculty is drawn from an international group of resource persons familiar with the UN and NGO activities in this realm. ASPR is also involved in other training activities, an example being a 'Summer School on the OSCE' (July-August 1997), in collaboration with the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and the Berghof Research Centre (Berlin, Germany). [Arno Truger, Renate Korber, Friedrich Glasl, Dudley Weeks, et al]

Contact Information:
A-7461 Stadtchlaining

Berghof Centre for Constructive Conflict Management
The Berghof Centre conducted a two year project with young leaders from different ethnic communities in Transsylvania (1993-1995) which included training elements. In 1995-1996, a Pilot Training and Supervision Project was started for Ngo representatives from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, focusing on bridge building and mediation, in collaboration with International Alert (London) and the Russian Academy of Science (Moscow). Workshops were held in Warsaw, Moscow and Kiev. [Norbert Ropers, Valery Tishkov, Diana Francis]

Contact Information:
Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management
Altensteinstr. 48a D - 14195 Berlin
tel. +49/ 30 – 844 154 – 0
fax +49/ 30 – 844 154 – 99

Clingendael (The Hague, Netherlands)
The Royal Dutch Institute for International Relations "Clingendael" offers training courses for Dutch and foreign diplomats (e.g. South Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Former Soviet Union), and has occasionally conducted two day workshops for policy staff of the Dutch ministries Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Development Co- operation, on armed conflict and conflict prevention/resolution and the role of international organisations such as the UN. Also offers two week courses for Dutch military peacekeepers. [Paul Meerts, et al.]

Department of Peace and Conflict Research
Besides its regular degree courses in Peace and Conflict Studies, Uppsala has organised every year since 1988 a six week Advanced International Program on Conflict Resolution (PACS) to contribute to conflict resolution competence around the world. PACS focuses on the theory and practice of managing large-scale organised conflicts between and within states, on the trends and origins of contemporary patterns of conflict and on ways of solving conflicts in equitable and viable manners, and invites scholars and teachers at universities and research institutes mostly residing in third world countries. In 1993 the Department convened its first Executive Seminar, bringing together well known researchers as well as practitioners from international organisations such as the UN, OAS, OAU, EU and OSCE. [Peter Wallensteen, Kjell-Ake Nordquist, et al.]

World Council of Churches (Geneva, Switzerland)
The WCC has a Programme for Overcoming Violence under whose auspices organised Summer courses are being organised for people from all around the world, dealing with peace and conflict issues and the role of churches. In 1994, Diana Francis (UK) and Albert Whittles (South Africa) facilitated a two week workshop under the title "Living With Our Differences: Non Violent Approaches to Conflict".

International Fellowship of Reconciliation (Alkmaar, Netherlands)
IFOR is a world wide umbrella organisation, Christian in origin but nowadays with a multi faith identity, with national branches in more than 40 countries, working for peace and justice. In 1992, it established a Non-violence Education and Training Program, which supports and organises training workshops in non-violence and conflict resolution in many parts of the world, especially in Africa and Asia. The program includes Training for Trainers. IFOR publishes a newsletter on 'Non- violence Training In Africa' (in English and French). [David Grant et al.]

Contact Information:
International Fellowship of Reconciliation
Spoorstraat 38
1815 Bk Alkmaar
Tel: (31-72) 12-30-14
Fax: (31-72) 15-11-02
E-mail: ifor@gn.apc.org

Peace Research Institute Oslo (Oslo, Norway)
Since 1969 PRIO has been responsible for a six week course in peace research at the International Summer School of the University of Oslo, aimed at Norweigen and foreign students. The issue of conflict and conflict resolution are approached through lectures, group projects, and simulations

Contact Information:
Fuglehauggata 11
N-0260 OSLO
Tel: +47 22 55 71 50
Fax: +47 22 55 84 22
Email: info@prio.no


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Training Within North America

CDR Associates (Boulder, Col., USA)
Communication, Decisions, Results: Consultations, assistance in dispute systems design and training seminars in cross cultural decision-making and conflict management procedures have been provided at home and abroad, e.g. in South Africa, Bulgaria, FSU, and elsewhere. [Chris Moore, Peter Woodrow et al.]

Center for Strategic International Studies (Washington DC, USA)
In 1995 the CSIS started a programme 'Conflict Resolution Training For Religious Representatives from Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia & Herzegovina', consisting of a series of short first and second level workshops. Four three day sessions were held in 1995 and more were foreseen for the future. [Joseph Montville]

Contact Information:
Center for Strategic and International Studies--Program on Preventive Diplomacy
1800 K St. N.W., Suite 400
Washington, DC 20066
Tel: (1-202) 775-3277
Fax: (1-202) 775-3199

Conflict Management Group (Cambridge, Mass., USA)
Among CMG's activities are negotiation and conflict resolution training, such as diplomatic training for senior foreign ministry officials around the world (a.o. Netherlands, Russia). Set up and supports early warning monitoring network in FSU. Has ongoing capacity building programme with the OSCE and conducts conflict resolution training in Cyprus (with IMTD) and in FSU countries (Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova). [Roger Fisher, Bruce Allen, Diana Chigas, et al.]

Contact Information:
Conflict Management Group
Harvard Negotiation Project
20 University Road
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: (1-617) 354-5444
Fax: (1-617) 354-8467
E-mail: cmg@igc.apc.org or conflict@world.std.com

Eastern Mennonite University (Harrisonberg, VA, USA)
Has MA programme in Conflict Analysis and Transformation as well as a Summer Peacebuilding Institute, which provides specialised, intensive training workshops that are specifically tailored for practitioners working in situations of protracted conflicts. The SPI has institutional links with partners in Columbia and Keyna. Individual staff is also frequently involved in other conflict resolution and related training activities around the world [John Paul Lederach, Hizkias Assefa, Ron Kraybill, Lisa Schirch, et al.]
http://www.emu.edu/units/ctp/spib roc.htm

Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy (Washington DC, USA)
IMTD is involved in several training activities. In January 1997 it started a 'Training for Conflict Transformation' which comprises three week long sessions during a six month period. It has also delivered a number of conflict resolution training workshops for country staff of CARE in Africa, the last one in March 1997 in Freetown, Sierra Leone. IN addition, it has provided training in conflict resolution and diplomacy skills for diplomats around the world, including the Tibetan Government in Exile. [John McDonald, Louise Diamond, Mohamed Abu Nimer]
http://www.igc.apc.org/imtd/PRO G.HTML

Institute of World Affairs (Washington DC, USA)
Founded in 1924, IWA nowadays provides diverse training and professional development programmes through seminars, exchanges, residential conferences, and publications (e.g. Conflict Resolution and Negotiation. A Practical Guide to Diplomacy After The Cold War, 1994). Regular training sessions for mid level diplomats that explore the latest theories of conflict, conflict resolution, negotiation and mediation. Active international training programme for other professionals as well, e.g. in Europe and the FSU. [Bradford Johnson, Catherine Barnes]

International Peace Academy (New York, USA)
Among other activities, IPA runs a programme of seminars on peacekeeping and conflict resolution for military, diplomatic, political, and humanitarian personnel; participants include diplomats, military officers, and staff members of the UN, other regional and international institutions, humanitarian agencies and non governmental institutions. To meet the growing demand, IPA is undertaking a major extension of its training seminar programme in 1996 by launching two new annual seminars on Peacemaking and Peacekeeping, in New York and Addis Ababa. [Olara A. Ottunu, Margaret A. Vogt, et al.]

Lester.B.Pearson Institute for Peacekeeping (Canada)
The Pearson Peacekeeping Centre is part of the Canadian Institute for Strategic Studies and provides a range of courses on the new peacekeeping, on negotiations and mediation, for senior and intermediate personnel from government agencies, armed forces, non government and private voluntary organisations, police forces, international humanitarian agencies, elections and development personnel, the media and academia. [Alex Morrison]

Program on the Analysis and Resolution of Conflicts (Syracuse, USA)
PARC is based at Syracuse University and has the normal academic degree courses in conflict resolution etc. Together with the Maxwell School's Program in Non-violent Conflict and Change, it also offers a Summer Institute on Creative Conflict Resolution, for people who want to improve their communication skills and become better able to handle interpersonal and group conflicts. [Neil H. Katz, et al.]
Contact Information:
Program on the Analysis and Resolution of Conflicts
Syracuse University
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
Syracuse, NY 13244
Tel: (1-315) 443-2367
Fax: (1-315) 443-3818

United States Institute of Peace (Washington DC, USA)
USIP has an Education and Training Program; the latter is developing conflict resolution training programs for civic leaders and diplomats, and has supported such training through its grant program. Examples of this include the International Conflict Resolution Skills training seminar for foreign government and international organisation officials, co-ordinated by the Institute; training in multi-party mediation skills for local and regional civic leaders in South Africa, and seminars to train the trainers of military officers and diplomats serving as UN peacekeepers. [Peter Schoettle]

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Training in Other Parts of the World

ACCORD (South Africa)
Both the Durban and the Cape Town offices are involved in training programmes, in South Africa as well as abroad. [Vasu Gouden, Karthi Govender, Jerome Sachane]

Contact Information:
African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes
c/o University of Durban-Westville
Private Bag x54001
Durban, 4000
Tel: (27-31) 820-2816
Fax: (27-31) 820-2815
E-mail: info@accord.udw.ac.za


Nairobi Peace Initiative (Kenya)
The work of the NPI is focusing on both Kenya and on other parts of Africa and sometimes involves training. [George Wachira, Emmanuel Bombande]

Contact Information:
Nairobi Peace Initiative
P.O. Box 14894
Tel: (254-2) 441444/440098
Fax: (254-2) 442533/445177/440098
E-mail: mbea@elci.gn.apc.org


Confllict Resolution Network (Australia)
CRN has a continent wide programme of training in conflict resolution skills, for a wide variety of constituencies (business, education, politics etc.). Occasionally the work has assumed an international dimension. CRN has produced a wealth of training materials, the best-seller Everyone Can Win, trainers manuals, videos, etc. [Helena Cornelius, Pyotr Patrushev, et al.]

Contact information
The Conflict Resolution Network
P.O. Box 1016
Chatswood, NSW 2057
Tel: (61-2) 419-8500
Fax: (61-2) 413-1148

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