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Information Bank index

Organisations and Institutes concerned with peace and conflict

Version 3: September 2001

Inclusion or non-inclusion of any programme or course does not imply any judgement on the part of INCORE as regards quality. The list simply provides an overview of what is on offer within the area outlined above and is by no means exhaustive. INCORE welcomes suggestions with regard to possible additions to the site: Contact INCORE


Organisations and Institutes Within the U.K. & Ireland

Organisations and Institutes Within Continental Europe

Organisations and Institutes within Japan

Organisations and Institutes Within North America

Organisations and Institutes Within Latin America

Organisations and Institutes Within Africa

Organisations and Institutes Within the Middle East

Organisations and Institutes Within Asia

Organisations and Institutes Within the UK & Ireland

Centre for the Study of Conflict (University of Ulster)
A research centre based at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland, with extracts from its publications and information on its recent research projects. It has close ties with INCORE.

Centre for Peace and Development Studies (University of Limerick)
Originally established as the Irish Peace Institute Research Centre, at the University of Limerick. The site offers information regarding its Research and Academic Programme.

Centre for the Study of Forgiveness and Reconciliation (Coventry University)
The centre aims to carry out research, teaching and related activities which will contribute to the deeper understanding and promotion of processes of reconciliation and forgiveness throughout the world. A basic premise informing the work at the Centre is that within the context of struggles to achieve peace and reconciliation at whatever level, the transformative power of forgiveness in such processes is not only under-estimated but also under-researched.

Children and Armed Conflict Unit (University of Sussex)
A research unit set up by the Children's Legal Centre, an independent NGO, and the Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex. Teh site contains up-to-date information on armed conflicts around the world and their impact on children. It also provides reports and documents on specific issues and themes relating to children, links to relevant sites and a comprehensive database of international law, documents and reports.

Central Community Relations Unit: Northern Ireland
The site offers background information about the work of the CCRU, as well as links to its projects directory, research and evaluation.

CODEP (Conflict, Development and Peace Network)
CODEP is a multi-disciplinary forum for academics, organisations and practitioners involved in exploring the causes of conflict and its impact on people’s lives. The aim of the network is to help reduce violent conflict and support those worst affected by it through the improvement of policy and practice in conflict, development and peace work. CODEP produces an email newsletter, organises roundtable discussion meetings and organises international conferences on conflict and development.

Community Relations Council (CRC)
A Belfast based organisation, dedicated to the promotion of better community relation between the communities in Northern Ireland, and to the recognition of cultural diversity. Extensive resources are available on-line including news and press releases, and a number of CRC publications.

Conciliation Resources (CR)
As an organisation which actively works to help build peace processes, Conciliation Resources has experience of working in Sierra Leone, Fiji, Somaliland, Russia, Ukraine, the Gambia and Liberia, among other places. CR offers a series of occasional papers on its field work.

Co-operation Ireland
With offices in Belfast, Dublin, London and New York, this organisation works on a cross border basis to promote mutual understanding and respect among the communities in the north and south of Ireland. They organise a series of Youth education and community programmes, an economic co-operation programme, and a number of fund-raising and special events.

Corrymeela Community
Corrymeela aims to provide an environment where mutual trust and respect can be built with the two communities in Northern Ireland. The community hosts a number of residentials, and offers a series of training and learning projects in the field of conflict and mediation.

Crisis States Research Centre. The Crisis States Programme (CSP) is based at the London School of Economics DESTIN - Development Research Centre. The CSP aims to provide new understanding of the causes of crisis and breakdown in the developing world and the processes of avoiding or overcoming them, focusing on the role of globalisation in conflict, crisis and social breakdown. http://www.crisisstates.com/index.htm

Culture of Peace Committee
The Culture of Peace Committee is a network of peace movement organisations. The structure of the committee is due to change in 2001.

Glencree Centre for Reconciliation
First set up in 1973, and then re-established again in 1994, Glencree is an NGO dedicated to working with those who strive for peace. It offers its services to various Youth groups, Community groups, and Women's groups, in addition to working with political leaders, and religious believers.

Irish Network for Nonviolent Action Training and Education - INNATE
INNATE is an umbrella group supporting nonviolent approaches to conflict issues. They produce a monthly newsletter relating to non violence and campaigning issues, which is available on-line.

International Institute for Strategic Studies, (IISS)
Located in London, England, this Institute produces a number of publications. Of particular interest are the Adelphi Papers and Survival. Summaries and extracts of papers are available on-line.

International Alert
International Alert aims to 'identify and address the root causes of violence and contribute to the just and peaceful transformation of violent internal conflict'. They have worked in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, West Africa, the Caucasus region of the Former Soviet Union, and Sri Lanka. IA is also engaged in advocacy in an attempt to generate international awareness for issues such as light weapons transfers; the impact of development aid; the impact of private military companies; and the role of women in peacebuilding. The site offers details of all their projects, in addition to on-line full text publications.

Mediation Network for Northern Ireland
Based in Belfast, this organisation works on promoting the use of third party intervention in conflict situations, and offers a series of training courses, and seminars in relation to this.

Mediation UK
Based in Bristol, this organisation has produced a number of publications specifically relevant to the theme of conflict resolution. They also organise an annual conference around the issues concerned and sponsors a number of training events and workshops.

Minority Rights Group International
MRG works on a global basis for the rights of minority groups, producing numerous profiles and publications. The website contains a variety of information including a newsletter and reports which are available to be downloaded.

Oxfam is a development, relief, and campaigning organisation dedicated to finding lasting solutions to poverty and suffering around the world. Oxfam runs various campaigns such as the 'Cut Conflict' campaign that focuses on cutting the arms trade, bringing war criminals to justice, promoting peace and upholding the rights of refugees. The site offers a series of books and papers on the subjects mentioned as well as a multimedia section.

Peace Brigades International
Peace Brigades International (PBI) is a grassroots organization that explores and promotes nonviolent peacekeeping and support for human rights. They have a number of projects around the world. Additionally, PBI trains people in nonviolence, conflict resolution and human rights, and documents conflicts and initiatives for peace.

Peace People
Based in Belfast, Peace People offers a number of youth programmes, welfare programmes, and encourages dialogue and debate. Its campaigns are more global than local.

Peace Pledge Union
Extensive articles and publications which relate to the PPU's campaigns such as, women and war, children and war, wars and arms and peace education are available on-line.

Responding to Conflict
RTC offers advice, training and consultancy, primarily to organisations and individuals working in situations of polarisation, conflict and social reconstruction.

Victims and Survivors Trust (VAST)
Based in Belfast, this group offers information about its projects and activities, and links to other relevant material.

Organisations and Institutes Within Continental Europe

Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution
ASCPR offers a series of training programmes and summer schools, in addition to undertaking research for its Peace Building Project. The site includes details of conferences and events, and links to other sites of similar interest. Many of the publications are in German, although some are available in English.

Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management
The Berghof Center investigates constructive procedures for dealing with ethno-political conflict. Their website offers an outline of the research currently undertaken by the centre, as well as downloadable publications.

Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)
BICC is an independent organization dedicated to promoting and facilitating the processes whereby people, skills, technology, equipment, and financial and economic resources can be shifted away from the defense sector and applied to alternative civilian uses. BICC offers research and analysis, technical assistance and advice, retraining programs, publications, and conferences. At present BICC and INCORE are carrying out a collaborative project on demilitarisation in Northern Ireland.

Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations (CASIN)
CASIN examines pluralism and modes of conflict management. They seeks to educate through short and intensive professional programmes, training seminars and "train the trainers" courses addressing the substance of critical emerging societal issues. They promote policy dialogues, problem solving workshops and task forces and also provide good offices and organise conferences.

Centre for Conflict Management (CCM)
This Norwegian organisation works from the premise that conflict is 'normal, unavoidable and necessary.' Their vision is communities and a world where conflict's positive functions are maintained and its negative tendencies are managed in an effective and democratic way. By designing and implementing learning activities which empower the individual's - and group's - ability to take on this responsibility in a creative and sensitive way, CCM hopes to be able to contribute to peace in the communities in which they work. CCM works on both micro and macro levels within communities.

Centre for Multiethnic Research, Uppsala University
The Centre, based in Uppsala, Sweden, is a cross-disciplinary forum for the study of the cultural issues, social phenomena, and processes of change related to life’s ethnic dimensions. This field of study also covers ethnic relationships and processes in multicultural societies, as well as the effects of international migration within cultures.

Centre for Research in International Migration and Ethnic Relations (CEIFO)
Based in Sweden at the university of Stockholm, the CEIFO offers information studies ethnicity, nationalism, xenophobia and racism, ethnic relations, immigration policies and refugee reception models. Articles and publications are available in Swedish and English.

Centro de Investigacion para la Paz / Peace Research Centre (CIP)
The main areas of activity of the CIP include an Observatory of Conflicts, Education for Development and Peace programme, and the development of a documentation centre. This site is mostly in Spanish with a small introduction to their work in English.

Copenhagen Peace Research Institute (COPRI)
The purpose of COPRI is to stimulate debate and research on international key issues related to Peace and Security Studies. The institute does this through research, seminars, publications and news. Of particular interest is the 'Intra-State Conflict: Causes and Peace Strategies' research programme.

Centre for Security Studies and Conflict Research (CSSCR)
Based in Zurich, Switzerland, the CSSCR offer extensive information on its various research projects, which includes material on conflict research and international security policy. Information is also available on its teaching, conferences, and events. Among its main services is the International Relations and Security Network which offers extensive links to Current World Affairs.

Centre for Peace and Security Studies
Affiliated to the Free University of Brussels (VUB), this centre conducts research which focuses a number of areas of political research. The site contains a number of line books, working papers and journals.

Committee for Conflict Transformation Support
The site contains an introduction to the work of the Committee, and access to the CCTS newsletter, in addition to contact information.

EAWARN: Network for Ethnological Monitoring and Early Warning (EAWARN).
EAWARN is a part of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology at the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Centre for the Study and Management of Conflict. Information relating to EAWARN is hosted on the INCORE site.

Education for Peace Program
Education for Peace is a program designed in order to create the necessary structure for the development and implementation of peace education programs in all parts of the world for all segments of human society. Through in-depth, systematic, and sustained programs of Education for Peace (EFP), every generation of new leaders and citizens is equipped with the necessary insights and skills not only to decrease the occurrence and intensity of conflict, preventing its descent into violence and war, but also, more importantly, to dedicate their talents and energies to the creation of a culture of peace.

ENCORE (European Negotiation and Conflict Resolution)
A privately owned company which offers training and third-party services to parties engaged in negotiation or conflict. The organisation is based in Denmark.
Environment and Conflicts Project, (ENCOP)
ENCOP is jointly run by the Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), and the Swiss Peace Foundation, Berne. ENCOP focuses on environmental pollution and destruction ecological degradation as a cause of conflict. The website offers information on the project, as well as links to its publications.

European Migration Center
The Center aims to intensify networking between European institutions working in the wide field of migration and ethnicity.

European Platform for Conflict Prevention
The European Platform for Conflict Prevention and Transformation is a network of European non-governmental organisations involved in the prevention and/or resolution of violent conflicts in the international arena. Its mission is to facilitate the exchange of information and experience among participating organisations, as well as to stimulate co-operation and synergy. The secretariat of the Platform is hosted by the European Centre for Conflict Prevention which is based in Utrecht, the Netherlands. This extensive resource offers a series of Internet based country surveys, thematic essays, and organisation lists by country.

European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations
ERCOMER is a European research centre with a strong interest in comparative research in the fields of international migration, ethnic relations, racism and ethnic conflict within the European context. We are based at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. The website includes information relating to the work of ERCOMER, its various publications, and its newsletter and journal.

Gernika Gogoratuz
A Peace Research and Conflict Transformation Center, based in Spain, with material available on-line in Spanish. The website has contact details but no further information at present.

International Crisis Group
ICG is a private, multinational organisation committed to strengthening the capacity of the international community to anticipate, understand and act to prevent and contain conflict. The website provides a wide range of information about its work, and field operations, in addition to its on-line reports and publications, which are updated frequently.

International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR)
IFOR is an international 'spiritually-based' organisation. Although its International Secretariat is based in the Netherlands, IFOR has branches, affiliates and groups in over 40 countries around the world. Current projects include its Disarmament and Peacebuilding Program, NonViolence Education and Training Program, and the Women Peacemakers Program.

International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO)
A Norwegian based research institute, which specialises in Conditions of War and Peace, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding and Ethics, Norms and Identities.Regular publications include its Journal of Peace Research and Security Dialogue.

International Relations and Security Network, (ISN),
Based in Zurich, Switzerland, this project offers extensive material relating to current world affairs and conflict.

Life and Peace Institute
The Life & Peace Institute, LPI, is an international and ecumenical centre for peace research and action. Based in Uppsala, Sweden, LPI aims to further the causes of justice, peace and reconciliation through a combination of research, seminars and publications.

Network on Ethnological Monitoring and Early Warning
Based in Moscow, this organisation has been host to the project Monitoring of Ethnicity, Conflict and Cohesion (MOST).

The PADA Foundation
An organisation for peace and appropriate development for the Horn of Africa. The site hosts information on previous and forthcoming conferences/events.

Peace Research Information Unit Bonn
This information service lists the details of over 350 organisations and individuals who are active in the field of peace and conflict research. They produce an informative bi-annual newsletter also.

Peace Research Institute: Frankfurt
The institute conducts research around areas including mediation and conflict intervention, and produces a series of reports. A number of these are available on-line, in English.

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, (SIPRI),
Based in Solna, Sweden, SIPRI offers extensive information on its research areas, publications, library resources, and other related links, which include the themes of peace and conflict.

Tampere Peace Research Institute, (TAPRI)
Based in Finland, TAPRI conducts research on, among other things, the problems of armament, disarmament and security, theories of war and peace, the relationships between development and disarmament, as well as peace and development research and peace education. They provide a complete list of publications.

Transcend: A Peace and Development Network
TRANSCEND is a network of invited scholars-practitioners working for peace and development by peaceful means through action, training, research, dissemination. Information on their site includes a manual on the 'transcend method'.

Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research
Based in Sweden, this is an international institute with a regular newsletter, frequent press releases, and substantial publications.

The Transnational Institute
Based in Amsterdam, TNI is an international network of activist-scholars concerned to analyse and find viable solutions to such global problems as: militarism and conflict poverty and marginalisation social injustice environmental degradation.

United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, (UNRISD)
UNRISD is an autonomous UN agency engaging in multidisciplinary resarch on the social dimensions of contemorary problems affecting development. The website includes a list of its publications on gender, ethnicity and development.

Organisations and Institutes within Japan
  • Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-proliferation (CPDNP)
    CPDNP was set up at the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) in 1996, Tokyo. CPDNP was established in the midst of increasing attention towards disarmament and non-proliferation issues by the international community after the Cold War. The Center’s aim was to contribute to Japan taking greater international initiatives in the disarmament and non-proliferation field, through carrying out research, study and other activities in those areas. CPDNP has organised conferences sponsored with the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

  • Commission on Human Security
    Supported by the Government of Japan and the Rockefeller Foundation, the Commission was set up in New York in 2001. It seeks for a new human-centered approach towards adversities such as conflict, poverty, infectious diseases and human rights violations. It deals with human insecurities resulting from conflict and violence and looks at the means to promote coexistence by recognizing the interrelations between the various elements of insecurity, and the need to ensure that developmental activities proceed alongside with conflict resolution. The Commission is in close collaboration with UNHCR, UNDP and the Harvard Kennedy School. 

  • Hiroshima Peace Institute (Hiroshima City University)
    Hiroshima Peace Institute (HPI) is a research unit of the Hiroshima City University. HPI engages in a variety of research activities relating to peace. Sharing the city's historical experience with people around world, HPI has expanded global peace studies by researching international and domestic conflict, conflict resolution, and security issues. Research projects at HPI include “Confidence Building Mechanisms in East Asia” and “Legitimacy and Rationality of New-Interventionism”. HIP especially focuses on issues in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • Institute for Peace Science (Hiroshima University)
    Established in 1975 in Hiroshima as the first social science institute on peace studies in Japan, this pioneer institute organises symposia, seminars and related events. It publishes the journal Hiroshima Peace Science and research reports. Together with the Institute of Conflict Analysis and Resolution in the US, the Institute has launched “Project on Conflict and Human Security” which examines critical issues in conflict resolution and peace-building from the perspective of human security, and explores the possibility of new practical approaches.

  • International Christian University Peace Research Institute (International Christian University)
    The International Christian University Peace Research Institute (ICUPRI) was set up in 1991 at the International Christian University in Tokyo, in order to promote peace studies. ICUPRI has many projects on peace studies including “Conflict Resolution”. It organises open lectures and seminars and organises field trips with students.  ICUPRI runs an independent English web journal together with Iwanami Shoten Publishers and also publishes journals such as the Peace Report and Occasional Papers in English.

  • International Peace Research Institute of Meigaku (PRIME) (MEIJI GAKUIN UNIVERSITY)
    PRIME is devoted to research on violence in its various manifestations, such as war, militarisation, and political repression; poverty, maldevelopment and social injustice; as well as ecological and cultural degradation. PRIME is also involved with studies on the transformative processes and institutional conditions required for an alternative world order in pursuit of a just peace, socio-economic, and ecological well-being, democratic governance, and human identity particularly in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • Japan Center for Area Studies (The National Museum of Ethnology)
    The Japan Center for Area Studies is a research unit set up in 1994 at the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka. The Center covers a broad range of issues from the perspective of area studies, including issues such as ethnic conflicts, ethno-nationalism, and the process of state-building. The Center also runs research projects which focus on ethnic and religious conflicts and the escalating process of violence, especially in the Middle East. It publishes the JCAS Symposium Series, the JCAS Occasional Papers in various languages and the JCAS review in Japanese.

  • Japan Center for Conflict Prevention (JCCP)
    Based in Tokyo, the JCCP is a non-profit organization founded for conflict prevention. The Center identifies four stages in the progression of conflict situations: 1) first signs of conflict 2) imminent conflict 3) occurrence of conflict and 4) resolution of conflict. In Japan, JCCP organises seminars, open lectures and overseas training and runs the Post-Graduate Program for Conflict Prevention. Internationally, JCCP has been involved in peace building activities in Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Afghanistan and Palestine. JCCP publishes a quarterly bulletin.

  • Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
    Founded in 1959 in Tokyo, JIIA is a private, non-profit, and independent research organization receiving accreditation from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the purpose of deepening research of international politics, economics and law.  JIIA has a wide range of research centres such as the Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-proliferation (CPDNP). JIIA publishes several academic journals both in English and Japanese including the Japan Review of International Affairs.

  • Kyoto Museum for World Peace (Ritsumeikan University)
    Affiliated to the Ritsumeikan University, the Kyoto Museum for World Peace was built with the hope of contributing to the realisation of world peace. The Museum main exhibitions relates to the aggressions and sufferings of the Second World War. It also analyses wars and peace-building processes after the War. The Ritsumeikan University also holds the Institute of International Relations and Area Studies which focuses more on current issues related to peace studies, conflict resolution and international politics.

  • National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS)
    Located in Tokyo, NIDS is dedicated to strategic studies, global security issues and military history as the main policy research arm of the Defense Agency of Japan. In both English and Japanese, NIDS publishes East Asian Strategic Review, NIDS Security Reports, Report on Defense-Strategic Studies and Military History Studies Annual. In addition, as public archives, NIDS keeps military-historical documents and records. NIDS also organises the International Symposium on Security Affairs and War History.

  • Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS)
    RIPS, established in 1978, is as a non-profit institute under the managerial oversight of Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Defense Agency to research in security studies and arms control. RIPS deals with both domestic and international security issues, and over 50 researchers have joined the Institute’s projects with special focus on Asia and the Pacific regions. RIPS annually publish the Asian Security, which presents a comprehensive analysis of Japan, the Korean peninsula, and China, as well as covering developments in Southeast and Southwest Asia.

  • Strategic Peace and International Affairs Research Institute (SPIRIT) (Tokai University)
    Affiliated to Tokai University, SPIRT was established in 1986 Tokyo, “to build world peace grounded in humanism.” The institute publishes Human Security in both Japanese and English. SPIRIT is also a member of the Common Security Forum based at Cambridge University, which is an independent international network of academics and policymakers from Europe, Asia, Africa and North America, brought together with the purpose of understanding and influencing the transformation of individual and international security.

  • The Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research
    With the office in Tokyo and the research center in Honolulu, Hawaii, the Institute was established in 1996 by Daisaku Ikeda, President of Soka Gakkai International. It focuses on an international dialogue for peace building on four major themes: 1) Human Security and Global Governance, 2) Human Rights and Global Ethics, 3) Social Justice and Global Economy, and 4) Cultural Identity and Global Citizenship. The Institute is an independent non-profit organization committed to the pursuit of peace building.  Peace & Policy, the journal of the Toda Institute has been published since 1996.

Organisations and Institutes Within North America

Canadian Council for International Co-Operation, (CCIC)
The CCIC is a coalition of Canadian organizations who seek to change the course of human development in ways that favor social and economic equity, democratic participation, environmental integrity and respect for human rights. The website provides the full text in French or English of its newsletters, annual reports, press releases and speeches.

Canadian Council for International Peace & Security
The Council is a Canadian organisation which is active in the field of international peace and security through its current research. They produce publications, special reports and issue briefs.

Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, (CISS)
The Institute provides information on world affairs. Memebers recievd extra information and discount on various publications.

Canadian Peacebuilding Co-ordinating Committee
The Canadian Peacebuilding Coordinating Committee is a network of Canadian NGOs, institutes, academics and other individuals collaborating since 1994 to articulate policy and directions for the non-governmental peacebuilding community, and to facilitate policy dialogue with the Canadian government. The website contains a database of organisations and projects and offers a number of useful documents and discussion papers for those working in the field.

Center for International Security and Arms Control, (CISAC)
Based at Stanford University, this center brings together scholars, policymakers, area specialists, business people, and other experts to focus on a wide range of security questions of current importance. It also provides an range of publications that can be downloaded in pdf format.

Carter Center
The Center, in partnership with Emory University seeks to bring warring parties to the negotiating table, monitor elections, safeguard human rights, and build strong democracies through economic development. The website gives details of their various programs.

Coexistence Initiative
Based in New York, the Coexistence Initiative 'seeks to catalyse a global awareness of, and commitment to, creating a world safe for difference'. The Initiative develops and promotes programmes for positive coexistence. The website provides information and resources as well as a number of searchable databases.

Colorado Conflict Research Consortium (CCRC)
Based at the University of Colorado, the CCRC offers an extensive number of its working papers on-line, as well as links to all of the relevant organisations in the U.S. They also offer a series of on-line education and training modules on the subject.

Communications for a Sustainable Future, (CSF)
Based at the University of Colorado, the CSF is host to a project on 'Peace and Conflict'. The website offers extensive information and links to sites of relevant interest.

Consortium on Peace Research, Education and Development, (COPRED)
COPRED is a community of educators, activists and researchers working on alternatives to violence and war. The website contains the Global Directory of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution Programs and their Peace Chronicle newsletter.

CRAGI (Conflict Resolution and Global Interdependence)
CRAGI is a group of educators who advocate an International Peace Thread consisting of posters and projects that can be easily replicated in various cultures and school curricula. Teachers work together to develop new materials, which are not copyrighted but are shared freely in the interest of promoting human understanding.

Fund for Peace
The Fund for Peace carries out research into the alleviation of war and conflict and seeks to promote strategies and solutions to this end. The Fund for Peace offers a wide variety of material at its site, including access to its mailing list, and a number of on-line publications.

Fellowship of Reconciliation, (FOR)
FOR seeks to replace violence, war, racism, and economic injustice with nonviolence, peace, and justice. They are an interfaith organization committed to active nonviolence as a transforming way of life and as a means of radical change. FOR actively engages in education and training.

Henry L. Stimson Center
The Stimson Center conducts public policy research on issues of national and international security. The website contains information on the Center, its publications and projects which range from confidence building to weapon non-proliferation. Some items are provided in full text, others can be ordered. Most resources are indexed by project subject.

Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, (IGCC)
IGCC is a research unit based at the University of California, which focuses on the causes of international conflict and the role of the international co-operation in helping to solve the conflicts. The website contains a variety of information and publications.
http://www- igcc.ucsd.edu/

Institute of International Studies, (IIS)
Based at Berkeley, this institute provides details of their various research and training programs. They also provide a number of fellowships.

International Peace Academy
The IPA works to promote the peaceful settlement of armed conflicts between and within states. Its activities include research, organizing seminars and facilitation.

Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR)
Based at George Mason University, ICAR research interests include the analysis of deep-rooted conflicts and their resolution; the exploration of conditions attracting parties to the negotiation table; the role of third parties in dispute resolution; and the testing of a variety of conflict intervention methods in community, national, and international settings. The Institute also offers Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Master of Science (M.S.) degrees in Conflict Analysis and Resolution.

Institute for International Mediation and Conflict Resolution
IIMCR, is a non-profit educational institute based in Washington D.C. IIMCR organises practical training courses on international negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution for upper-division undergraduate students, graduate students and young professionals from around the world. The website contains Here and Now, IIMCR's weekly Global Intelligence Report.

Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy
The Institute offers details of its Diplomacy and Conflcit Resolution Training programs in areas such as Cyprus, Kashmir, Liberia and Tibet. Also available are occasional papers, and on-line full texts, in addition to its articles and books, and the IMTD newsletter.

Institute of War and Peace Studies
The Institute, which is affiliated with Columbia University, offers information about current research projects, and publications.

Institute of World Affairs
This website international works towards international understanding of conflict. It also provides training programs in conflict resolution and infrastructure development. The website offers a series of downloadable reports and summaries.

Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace studies
The Joan B. Kroc Institute, based at the University of Notre Dame, conducts educational, research, and outreach programs on international peace. The site has information on the Institutes research and teaching programs. Publications are also available on-line.

L. B. Pearson Canadian Peacekeeping Training Centre
Based in Nova Scotia, Canada, the Centre and offers information on its peacekeeping courses, its peacekeepers database, and current news and events.

Mediation Information & Resource Center
An extensive site with articles relating to the resolution of conflicts, information on mediation training and academic programs. The focus is on domestic and 'non warlike' conflict resolution such as family and workplace disputes.

Partners for Democratic Change
This organisation is dedicated to the advancement of a culture of Conflict Resolution and the development of civil society in the emerging democracies and market economies. They work with NGO's, minority groups, government, and academia, and have offices worldwide.

Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, this cooperative effort between the Public Education for Peace Society and End the Arms Race. They provide information on peace and, more particularly, disarmament issues.

Peace and Security WWW Server
A service provided by the Canadian Forces College which includes a War, Peace and Security Guide.

Peace Studies Association, (PSA)
PSA is an organization of individuals and of college and university academic programs for the study of peace, conflict, justice and global security.

Program on Non-violent Sanctions and Cultural Survival
Part of Harvard University's Center for International Affairs, Massachusetts, US. The Program studies situations of conflict in order to better understand their nature and the capabilities of nonviolent actions in support of human rights and civil liberties
http://hdc- www.harvard.edu/cfia/pnscs/

The Project on Peacekeeping and the United Nations
This is part of the Council for a Livable World Education Fund (CLEF), Washington, DC, US. They are committed to ridding the world of weapons of mass destruction and eliminating wasteful military spending.

Search for Common Ground
Search for Common Ground, founded in 1982, is an international non-governmental organization that works to transform the way the world deals with conflict: away from adversarial approaches, toward cooperative solutions. With programs in or with Angola, Belgium, Burundi, DR Congo, Greece, Indonesia, Iran, Liberia, Macedonia, Middle East, Morocco, Sierra Leone, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United States, our "toolbox" includes mediation/ facilitation training, community organizing, radio/TV, journalism, sports, drama, and music.

Transcend: A Peace and Development Network
A network of invited scholars-practitioners working for peace and development by peaceful means through action, training, research, dissemination. Information on their site includes a manual on the 'transcend method'.

United States Institute of Peace
A Washington D.C. based institute which conducts research, education and training. Information is available on-line in relation to all of its publications, research areas, grants, and fellowships.

Unrepresented Peoples and Nations Organisation (UNPO)
An international organisation whose mission is to represent those people who are not represented by the major international organisations. Offers a series of publications, reports and press releases.

Organisations and Institutes Within Latin America

Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress
Acts as host to the Center for Human Progress, the Center for Peace and Reconciliation, and the Center for Organised Participation. Valuable resources include an NGO database. Information is available in Spanish and English.

Peruvian Association of Negotiation, Arbitration and Conciliation: APENAC
An organisation working with the public and private sectors, NGO's and community groups in the promotion of alternative dispute resolution.

Peruvian Institute of Conflict Resolution, Negotiation and Mediation (IPRECON)
An NGO based in Lima, 'offering consultation and training services to governmental and private organizations as well as the general public in the field of conflict resolution, negotiation, and mediation.' Information available on its services and current projects.

Organisations and Institutes Within Africa

Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies
Based at the Institute of African Studies, Univeristy of Ibadan in Nigeria, this centre proposes to offer an MA programme and other courses. Further details of the Centre are available at present on the INCORE website.

Centre for Conflict Resolution (CECORE)
The Center for Conflict Resolution (CECORE) is an initiative of Ugandan people working to seek alternative and creative means of preventing, managing and resolving conflicts. CECORE is a non-profit NGO registered with the NGO registration Board in Uganda, but with programmes in the Great Lakes Region and the Greater Horn of Africa Region, the rest of Africa and in the Asia/Pacific region.


A South African-based organisation involved in Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Preventive Diplomacy throughout the continent of Africa. The website offers extensive information on its programmes, publications, and conferences.

Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation
A South African NGO, dedicated to peaceful and fundamental transformation in South Africa. Current research projects include a project on Truth and Reconciliation, a Trauma Clinic, and an Education and Media Unit. An extensive number of research articles and publications, written by the centre staff, are available on-line.

Independent Projects Trust
The IPT is a facilitation, training and research consultancy which seeks to help organisations who are undergoing transformations owing to political, social and economic changes.

Inter-Africa Group
Based in Ethiopia, this organisation focuses on advancing peace, justice and respect for humanitarian law in the 'Greater Horn' of Africa. Their Update newsletter and some other reports are available online.

Quaker Peace Centre :South Africa
The Centre organises a variety of programmes to help promote peace in South Africa. These include programmes in peace education, community development and mediation training.

Organisations and Institutes Within the Middle East

Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies
Dedicated to the study of peace and security in the Middle East, the Centers current research foci is extensive and wide ranging. Information is available on its researchers, publications, and upcoming events. Of particular importance is its link to Professor Gerald Steinberg's web page, which hosts extensive articles written by him since 1996.

Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information
A public policy think-tank dedicated to finding a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Current research includes a refugee project and work on the future of Jerusalem.

International Center for Peace in the Middle East
The Center offers news, articles, and a variety of Middle East peace links. Note, however, that the site has not been updated since 1996.

Wi'am: Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center
The Center aims to provide a means to resolving conflict within the Palestinian community in the West Bank and Gaza. Currently they co-ordinate a number of projects in fields such as community outreach and conflict resolution.

Organisations and Institutes Within Asia

SAHR WARU (Women's Action and Resource Unit)
SAHR WARU is a program of that has been set up with the primary aim of developing a documentation and resource centre. This centre will also take on roles of initiating dialogue and doing advocacy and networking with the purpose of enhancing women's status in society. The organisation can be contacted via, Ms. Sheba George at O -45, 46, 4th Floor; New York Trade Centre; Thaltej Cross Roads; Thaltej; Ahmedabad - 380 054; Gujarat; India.
email: sahrwaru@adl.vsnl.net.in

Malaviya Centre for Peace Research (MCPR)
This Centre is based in the Faculty of Social Sciences of Banaras Hindu University. It aims to analyse and contribute to the peaceful resolution of intra and inter-state conflict. The MCPR involves in its activities faculty, students, representatives from the social activists and media. In addition to its academic domain, the MCPR has an extensive outreach program, involving nearly 150 active members, including opinion makers from different communities, representatives of NGO's and private citizens from different parts of Northern India, all interested in the issues of peace building and conflict transformation within and outside Indian borders.

The Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia-Pacific
The Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia-Pacific(FDL-AP) is based on his belief that democracy is not only possible but will become widespread throughout Asia. A key element of the FDL-AP's committment is the promotion of democracy to protect fundamental human rights in the Asia-Pacific and beyond. The site is available in English and Korean.

Directory of Organisations for Conflict Prevention in Asia and the Pacific
The Japanese Center for Preventative Diplomacy and the Japan Institute for International Affairs provide a large list of Organisations that are involved in conflict prevention in Asia and the Pacific.
Disclaimer: © INCORE 2010 Last Updated on Friday, 19-Mar-2010 15:50
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