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INCORE Guide to Internet sources on Relevant Fellowships

Version 1/98 (May 1998)


Inclusion in this guide does not imply an endorsement by INCORE of the views expressed in any of these sources.

Fellowships for Conflict Resolution Research

This is a short list of internet sources which have a lot of content relating directly to Fellowships for Conflict Resolution . This list does not imply a recommendation of the sources or an endorsement of the views expressed in any of these sources. It is a select list drawn from the other categories in this document.

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Fellowships for U.S. Citizens/Residents

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Fellowships for European/Non U.S.Citizens

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Fellowships for Research on Europe

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Fellowships for Research on Asia

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Fellowships Exclusive to Students of Specific Universities

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Fellowships Concerning Study in Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom

Additional information can be found at the University of Ulster Research Page Awards Available to UK Students:
Applicants who have been ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom and, in some cases, other European Union member states for the three years immediately preceding their application are eligible to be considered for the following awards:

  • DENI Quota Awards These awards are open to holders of, or those anticipating, first or upper second class honours degrees and cover fees at the home rate and, for UK applicants only, a maintenance allowance. Applicants should indicate in the appropriate box on their University application form that they wish to apply for a Quota award. The faculty to which the application is directed will then forward the form and guidance materials. The form must be returned by the specified date.

    NOTE: Scottish residents are not eligible to apply for these awards in the Humanities and should apply to the Student Awards Agency for Scotland.

    DENI Distinction Awards
    These awards are open to holders of, or those expecting to gain, first class honours degrees only and are offered in the broad areas of business and management and science and technology. Successful applicants will have fees paid at the home rate and will, if UK resident, receive an enhanced maintenance allowance. Applicants should indicate on the University application form that they wish to be considered for a Distinction award and the Research Office will forward the form and guidance materials. Forms, completed as instructed, must be returned to the faculty office by the specified date. Applicants should note that, as these awards are limited in number, they should also consider applying for a Quota award.

    DENI CAST Awards (Cooperative Awards in Science and Technology)
    These awards are based upon approved projects, including an element of industrial collaboration, which are advertised in the press, usually in March or April each year, and applicants must be able to demonstrate that their qualifications and experience are closely related to the project descriptions. Open to holders of, or those anticipating, first or upper second class honours degrees, these awards cover the payment of fees at the home rate and an enhanced maintenance award (UK resident only) plus a contribution from the collaborating organisation. Forms must be completed and returned as instructed.

    Humanities Research Board of the British Academy
    These awards are open to applicants from England, Wales or Northern Ireland who possess or expect to gain a first or upper second class honours degree in the humanities. Applicants should note that, in practice, almost all awards are made to those with first class honours degrees. Further details and application forms are available from the Registry Office. Please ensure that forms are completed and returned by the first Monday in April in any particular year. Applicants from Scotland should approach the Student Awards Agency for Scotland. Please remember that the applications procedure for these awards begins much earlier than for other studentships.

    University Studentships
    From time to time the University makes funding available to support University Studentships. These awards are open to applicants who hold or expect to gain a good honours degree and provide for payment of fees at the home rate and a fixed-rate maintenance allowance. Those wishing to be considered for these awards should mark their application form accordingly.

  • Other Awards
    Occasionally other awards will become available although these will almost always be linked to specific disciplines. Information on such awards will be available from the Research Office as and when details are provided by the award making bodies.

Awards Available to American and International Students
Overseas applicants wishing to undertake a research degree at the University of Ulster may apply for the following awards:

  • Overseas Research Student (ORS) Awards
    These awards administered by the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom are available on a competitive basis to students of outstanding merit and research potential who are liable to pay the higher fees chargeable to overseas students. Academic merit and research potential are the only criteria governing the selection of candidates. No account is taken of means, nationality or subject area. The awards are initially made for one year but, subject to the satisfactory progress of the award-holder, are renewable for a second or third year. These awards meet the difference between the home and overseas level of tuition fees only and do not cover maintenance costs. Further details and application forms can be obtained from the Research Office. The closing date for the return of completed application forms through the Research Office is 30 April of the year of application. The scheme will be reviewed during 1996/97.

    Chevening Awards
    These awards are administered by the British and Commonwealth Office, operating through the British diplomatic missions and British Council offices throughout the world.
    They may be for study in any subject area and are open to all students from outside the EU wishing to follow full-time postgraduate courses at a UK university. Preference is given to those already established in a career. Awards may be given to cover all or part of the cost of the period of study including expenditure on travel, tuition fees, living and other expenses.
    Selection of candidates is carried out by British Embassies and High Commissions in consultation with the local British Council representative. All applications must therefore be made through the British Diplomatic Mission in the student's country of origin.
    Enquiries should be made to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

    Foreign & Commonwealth Office Jointly Funded Scholarships Programme
    These awards are administered through the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Each jointly funded scheme typically comprises a trilateral partnership between the FCO, a commercial or industrial company (or a grant giving foundation) and an academic institution. Normally each partner will contribute one third of the costs.
    Awards may be made for Master's or Doctoral courses lasting one, two or three years. Further details may be obtained from Mr David Thomas, Advisor on Overseas Scholarships Funding, Cultural Relations Department, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London, SW1A 2AH. Telephone 01 71 210 6293.

    Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan
    This is a pan-Commonwealth scheme which assists Commonwealth students to study in other Commonwealth countries, so as to strengthen common ideals, promote the equality of educational opportunity at the highest level and contribute to the development process in Commonwealth countries. Britain provides about 65% of all awards under this scheme. UK support is focused on enabling students from Commonwealth countries to study in Britain.
    Applicants should be resident in their own country at the time of application. Further information may be obtained from the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), John Foster House, 36 Gordon Square, London, WC1 H OPF.

    British Council Fellowship Programmes
    This scheme is aimed at key professions in fields which the Council considers particularly important in the country concerned. Council Fellowships programmes provide about 900 awards annually. Fellowships are offered in most of the 100 countries in which the Council operates.
    The eligible subjects are determined by the British Council Director overseas. The awards can be for periods up to three years to cater for PhD research students.
    The level and conditions of award are set by the British Council in each country. Awards can include fares to and from Britain, tuition, living expenses, and allowances for books, clothing and approved travel within the United Kingdom.
    Applications should be made to the British Council Director in the country concerned.

    British Marshall Scholarships
    The Scheme was set up by an Act of Parliament as a practical expression of the British people's appreciation of the aid given by the United States under the Marshall Plan.
    The awards are. open to United States citizens under 26 years old who are graduates of US universities, to undertake study in any subject leading to a degree at a UK university. Awards are made on a competitive basis and are for two years in the first instance, renewable for a third year in certain circumstances. The awards cover transatlantic air fares, tuition fees, maintenance, book, thesis and travel allowances. Up to 40 new awards are made each year.
    Application forms are obtainable from US universities and colleges, or from British Consulate General in the US, or,
    British Information Services
    845 Third Avenue
    New York, NY 10022

    Students from China
    Applicants should enquire about the Sino-British Friendship Scholarship Scheme by contacting the Cultural Section of the British Embassy or the British Council. Applicants interested in Royal Fellowships for Post-Doctoral study should contact the Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London. SW 1 Y 5AG.

    Students from Japan
    Applicants should enquire about the Daiwa Education Foundation from the Educational Counselling Service, the British Council.

    Students from Hong Kong
    Applicants should enquire about Hong Kong scholarships from the Hong Kong Management Association.

    Students from Turkey
    Applicants should enquire about British Scholarships from the Assistant Representative of the Office of the Counsellor for Cultural and British Council Affairs.

    Students from Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries
    Applicants should apply through their own governments for European Community ACP Awards. Enquiries should be addressed to Directorate-General VIII, Commission of the European Communities.

  • European Community Schemes
    The European Community provides some grants to promote the exchange of students and academic staff within Europe, such as the SOCRATES and LEONARDO programmes. The European Commission also makes some awards to students from developing countries.
    For further information, contact the European Commission office in your own country, or write to the:

    European Commission
    Directorate Generale III
    Rue de fa Loi 200
    B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
    The University's International Office may also be able to advise on these awards.

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Further Resources for Fellowships
  • How to Get a PhD, Phillips, Estelle M. and Pugh, D.S. (OpenUniversity),1987

    Annual Conference Reports and Journal of Graduate Education (National Postgraduate Committee)
    (Available on-line: email REQUEST@MAILBASE.AC.UK)

    Postgraduate Studentships: Rules and Conditions (Department of Education for N Ireland)

    Education Yearbook (Longman)

    Awards for Postgraduate Study at Commonwealth Universities (Association of Commonwealth Universities)

    Directory of Grant-Making Trusts (Charities Aid Foundation)

    Educational Grants Directory (Directory of Social Change)

    Grants Register (Macmillan)

    Guide to the Major Grant-Making Trusts(Directory of Social Change)

    Student Grants and Loans: a Brief Guide (Department for Education)


  • Tuition Fees and the Cost of Living (The British Council)

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