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1.Re-establishment of the cease-fire;

2.Withdrawal, quartering and demilitarization of all UNITA military forces;

3.Disarming of all civilians.

    1. The reestablished cease-fire consists of the cessation of hostilities between the Government of the Republic of Angola and UNITA with a view to attaining peace throughout the national territory.
    2. The reestablished cease-fire shall be total and definitive throughout the national territory.
    3. Overall supervision, control and verification of the reestablished cease-fire will be the responsibility of the United Nations acting within the framework of its new mandate, with the participation of the Government and UNITA.
    1. Bilateral and effective cessation of hostilities, movements and military actions "in situ" throughout the national territory.
    2. Setting up of verification and monitoring mechanisms by the United Nations, within the framework of the new mandate.
    3. Withdrawal and quartering of all UNITA military forces (paragraph 8 of United Nations Security Council resolution 864). UNITA shall provide the United Nations with updated, reliable and verifiable information concerning the composition of its force s, armament, equipment and their respective locations.
    4. Verification and monitoring by the United Nations of all troops identified as FAA. The Government shall provide the United Nations with updated, reliable and verifiable information concerning the composition of its forces, armament, equipment and t heir respective locations.
    5. The FAA will disengage from forward positions under an arrangement that will allow verification and monitoring by the United Nations during the withdrawal and quartering of UNITA military forces.
    6. Repatriation of all mercenaries in Angola.
    7. Free circulation of persons and goods.
    8. Within the framework of the process of selection of the personnel for the completion of the formation of the FAA, the United Nations will carry out the collection, storage and custody of the armament of UNITA military forces at the time of quarterin g.
    9. Collection, storage and custody of all the armament in the hands of civilians.

    10. Release of all civilian and military prisoners detained or withheld as a consequence of the conflict, under the supervision of the ICRC.
    1. Cessation of hostilities "in situ."
    2. Installation of verification, monitoring and control mechanisms, including triangular communications and logistical questions.
    3. Limited disengagement of forces in areas where forces are in direct contact.
    4. Situations where FAA and UNITA military forces are not in direct contact.
    5. Furnishing the United Nations with details concerning the FAA and the military forces of UNITA.
    6. Reinforcement of existing United Nations personnel, both military observers and armed peacekeeping forces.
    7. Establishing quartering areas.
    8. Identifying itineraries and means for the conduct of the movement of UNITA military forces to quartering areas.
    9. Verification and monitoring of Government military forces.
    10. Movement of UNITA military forces to quartering areas.
    11. Collection, storage and custody of armament of UNITA military forces under the supervision and control of the United Nations.
    12. Collection, storage and custody of all the armament in the hands of civilians.
    13. Release of all civilian and military prisoners detained or withheld as a consequence of the conflict, under the supervision of the ICRC.
    14. Return to the FAA of UNITA generals who left. Selection into FAA and demobilization of excess forces with the framework of the conclusion of the formation of the FAA.
    15. Free circulation of persons and goods.

D-DAY Initialing of the agreement by the Government of the Republic of Angola and UNITA on general and specific principles and procedures concerning the agenda items of the Lusaka II Talks.

D + 10 Meeting of the general staffs of the FAA and the military forces of UNITA under United Nations auspices with UNAVEM and the observers present to establish the technical modalities of the cessation of hostilities "in situ" for:

  • The disengagement of forces;
  • Logistical matters;
  • The setting up of verification mechanisms;
  • Communication lines;
  • Movement itineraries;
  • Specific numbers, type and location of forces;
  • Quartering areas for UNITA forces.
D + 15 Date of the formal signing of the Protocol of Lusaka by the Government of the Republic of Angola and UNITA and beginning of its implementation. Public announcements by the Government of Angola and UNITA on the re-establishment of the cease-fire.

D + 17 Phase one

The first phase consists of five steps that must be taken by both sides:

  • Step one begins with the end of all offensive movements and military actions "in situ" throughout the national territory. Both sides are restricted from moving. The cessation of hostilities "in situ" means that military forces will stay where they a re. Military forces can be supplied with food and medicines under the verification and monitoring of the United Nations. They cannot receive any military equipment, lethal or otherwise. All offensive movements and military actions are prohibited. Prio r to the arrival of United Nations observers, the general staffs of both parties are encouraged to take joint measures to reduce the likelihood of cease-fire violations and to investigate incidents. The United Nations will be notified of the evacuation o f sick and wounded combatants to ensure control and verification.

  • Step two begins with the installation of verification, monitoring and control mechanisms (to include triangular communications) by the United Nations. This step includes notification by each side of all the relevant military data to the United Nation s. The United Nations will create and put in place UN teams to monitor and verify the cessation of hostilities throughout the national territory and investigate alleged cease-fire violations. United Nations assets will be deployed on a prioritized basis .

  • Step three begins with the release of all civilian and military prisoners detained or withheld as a consequence of the conflict, under the supervision of the ICRC.

  • Step four:

    • Step four involves the limited disengagement of forces in areas where forces are in contact (both sides will disengage) under the supervision of the United Nations. Both sides will be made aware of any movements that occur. In places where troops ar e in contact, the forces of both sides will stop firing and position themselves in a defensive posture. Both sides will conduct a limited disengagement (this will be a small movement to avoid direct or indirect fire) with the assistance of the United Nat ions. The disengagement will be coordinated and agreed to by the United Nations, the FAA and UNITA forces. UNITA troops will pull back to an area designated by the United Nations and agreed to by the general staffs. FAA forces will pull back to their n earest barracks. The disengagement will be supervised by the United Nations.

    • In places where FAA and the military forces of UNITA are not in contact, both sides will merely remain where they are. The United Nations will be officially informed of the locations of these units by both sides. The modalities of resupply specified in step one still apply.

    • In all cases, both sides will furnish the United Nations with details concerning their respective forces to include number of men, composition and type of force, type of equipment and specific location. This will allow the United Nations to install t he appropriate verification, monitoring or control mechanisms.

  • Step five involves the repatriation of all mercenaries in Angola.

D + 45 Phase two

The second phase consists of six steps:

  • Step one begins with the reinforcement of existing United Nations personnel, both military observers and armed peacekeeping forces. This reinforcement will permit the withdrawal of UNITA military forces from areas that they occupy, the effective veri fication and monitoring of those areas being abandoned by UNITA military forces, and the verification and monitoring of Government forces which continue to remain "in situ."

  • Step two involves the United Nations in coordination with both sides establishing quartering areas, itineraries, and identifying means for the conduct of the movement of the military forces of UNITA to quartering areas. For United Nations planning pu rposes, the number of quartering areas is expected to be at least twelve. During this step, Government and UNITA forces continue to remain in place. Once conditions have been established for the quartering of UNITA forces, the United Nations will notify both sides of the specific modalities of the withdrawal.

  • Step three starts with the movement of the military forces of UNITA to quartering areas. As the military forces of UNITA withdraw, the United Nations will verify and monitor those areas being vacated. The FAA will continue to remain in place and wil l not be permitted to occupy the areas being abandoned by the military forces of UNITA until the integration of the military forces of UNITA into the FAA. At the same time as UNITA military forces are moving to quartering areas, Government forces, in coo rdination with the United Nations, can pull their forces back to areas where they can be easily verified and monitored by the United Nations. In most cases, Government forces will return to the areas where they are headquartered. The concept is that Gov ernment forces will be centralized for the ease of verification. However, no movement of forces will take place without United Nations notification and verification. Movements of forces will be progressively monitored and verified by the United Nations and will be conducted based on the availability of assets. United Nations personnel will be deployed in accordance with the new United Nations mandate.

  • Step four involves the completion of the quartering of the military forces of UNITA and the collection, storage and custody of their armaments under the supervision and control of the United Nations. It also includes the start of the collection, stor age and custody of all the armaments in the hands of civilians by the National Police with verification and monitoring by the United Nations. The operation to collect all the lethal war materiel of UNITA's military forces will be conducted directly by th e general staff and the command elements of these troops under United Nations verification, monitoring and control. The United Nations will, as part of a consecutive action, collect this lethal war materiel and will proceed to store and take custody of i t as previously agreed. Ammunition and materiel storage locations will be located in separate areas from the quartering locations.

  • Step five consists of the conclusion of the quartering process, the return of UNITA generals to the FAA, the beginning of the selection of the military forces of UNITA for FAA and demobilization of excess forces. Selection for the FAA and demobilizat ion of the military forces of UNITA will only begin once the quartering process has been completed.

  • Step six includes the verification by the United Nations, in accordance with its mandate, of the free circulation of persons and goods.

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